Sweet Satisfaction

Dolce Far Niente - the sweetness of doing nothing. Sounds simple, right? Not quite. Instead, this concept is often unattainable for many and is regarded as something rather difficult to achieve… Especially for those in college.

Dolce Far Niente is an Italian phrase that encapsulates the idea of simply being carefree, relaxed, and ultimately participating in activities that require very little brainpower. Something very atypical for students in college who glorify productivity, but are necessary as a means to achieving success. 

Unfortunately, it can be both challenging and unrealistic to juggle the demands of college with everyday life and finding moments of idleness. However, it is imperative to try, as there are various benefits associated with doing so. These include enhanced creativity, reduced stress levels, boosts of energy, heightened clarity, and overall allows for a more balanced lifestyle. 

Below are ways to achieve Dolce Far Niente while in college:

Socialize with Friends

Socializing with friends is a key way to practice Dolce Far Niente while in college. Meaningful conversations allow you to unplug and be present in the moment. Whether it be sharing stories, life updates, or truly just existing in a small moment. So, grab a picnic rug, blankets, and some comfy pillows and go admire a sunset with friends. Disconnect from technology, relax, laugh, and spend quality time together. 

Limit Device Usage

Technology can often limit an individual's ability to relax and be carefree. This is due to the extensive amounts of information being passively consumed by the minute. Whether that be on social media or other internet platforms, sometimes taking a break is much needed for your brain to reset and allow for one’s creativity to roam free. Merely, set your device to silent, or leave it at home; embark on a walk or engage in a leisurely activity. Take in your surroundings and appreciate the beauty in everyday life.

Engage in Relaxing Activities

Leisurely activities allow an individual to unwind and practice mindfulness. Easygoing activities include going on walks, reading, sunset/sunrise watching, journaling, listening to music, painting, stargazing, meditation, and yoga. Engaging in such activities has exceptional benefits on one’s mental health and should be engaged in regularly. 

Texas A&M Rec Sports offers a range of leisurely activities for FREE which allows for students to disconnect from the demands of college and participate in enjoyable activities. Sunrise Yoga in the Gardens is just one example of a class offered to students to improve physical well-being and foster mindfulness. 

Schedule and Plan Your Week

Finally, plan your week ahead of time. College life can become extremely stressful and demanding. However, making planning an integral part of your routine can lead to you achieving success. Whether it be 30 minutes a day of reading, going on a walk, or admiring the sunset, Dolce Far Niente can be achieved in any form. After solely doing nothing for a short time period, you will feel completely refreshed when returning to the task at hand, often with a new outlook. 

Achieving Dolce Far Niente in college can pose a serious challenge for some, however, incorporating these brief moments of relaxation into your schedule is crucial for your overall success as a college student. Dolce Far Niente allows for moments of clarity and creativity, something of extreme importance for a student. 

So, simply take time to do nothing, and do not feel guilty about it! Remember, your future success depends on it.

Written by Lianna Davidson, Photography: Rayan Syed, Social Media: Noa Shrikhande, Videographer: Tristan Nigos

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