Saying Yes to Citrus

   While some may think that eating citrus fruits will just leave you satisfied, they have a plethora of different health benefits. From boosting the immune system to promoting healthy skin, these tangy fruits will leave anyone feeling refreshed and satisfied. 

Grapefruits are known for their tangy taste and succulent flesh. Rich in vitamins A and C, this massive fruit is abundant in antioxidants that can help protect the body’s internal cells from damage. Low in calories and high in fiber, grapefruits can be utilized for weight management, leaving you feeling satisfied and refreshed after eating. The amount of potassium within a grapefruit can help to lower blood pressure and reduce risks of heart diseases. This citrus also contains vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and help fight off any lurking infections. 

Perhaps the most popular citrus fruit is the orange. Known for its insane amount of antioxidants, one medium orange can contain  60-83 milligrams of vitamin C, near the daily recommended intake of 65 to 90 milligrams. Vitamin C helps protect the skin from sun damage and assists in a healthy complexion. Oranges are packed with antiviral and antibacterial properties that help fight diseases and infections, so doctors encourage individuals to take vitamin C supplements daily, with the recommended amount for men being 90 milligrams and 75 milligrams for women.  Even more fruitful, oranges contain fiber, which can help keep blood sugar levels in the proper range and aid in reducing high cholesterol levels. There are also high levels of potassium in oranges. Potassium is a mineral that aids in regulating individual heartbeat and muscle functioning. Did you know that you can obtain 6% of your daily recommended calcium from oranges? The daily recommended amount of calcium for both men and women is about 1,000 milligrams per day. Even though most people think you can only get calcium from dairy products, oranges contain approximately 55 milligrams, making them an excellent source of nutrients. 

Lemons are an effective tool in aiding with weight management, anemia, and kidney stone prevention and improving one’s complexion. They contain a mineral called pectin fiber, which is enlarged once entered into the stomach and leaves individuals feeling satisfied faster and for longer periods. Some people drink lemon water in the morning to maintain healthy pH levels and to essentially “kick-start” the digestion process.  This detox drink helps flush the body of harmful toxins or bacteria that are lurking in the air. To help with preventing anemia, lemons can assist individuals' bodies with absorbing more iron from their diet. Since lemons have an abundant amount of citric acid, studies have proved that this may aid in blocking the formation of kidney stones. The vitamin C that lemons contain supports the formation of collagen, a specific type of protein that aids in clearing and brightening the skin. 

Limes are known to help boost immunity, decrease the risk of heart disease, block kidney stones, help with iron absorption, and promote healthy-looking skin. The vitamin C within limes can assist with healing wounds on a quicker timeline than normal. Since limes also have an extremely high citric acid content, they can aid in progressing the digestive process by stimulating the flow and production of digestive enzymes. The anti-inflammatory properties in limes can provide some relief to those who suffer from diseases like arthritis or are prone to excessive inflammation. 

The citrus family encompasses a significant number of health-benefiting fruits, each offering their own variety of advantages.  From the grapefruit assisting in lowering blood pressure to limes being able to help block kidney stones, these satisfying fruits can be utilized in everyday life to improve an individual’s overall well-being.

Written by Alexa Davis, Photography: Rayan Syed, Social Media: Shreya Tiruvidula, Styling: Acelyn Hudson

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